About Mount Kelly Choral Society
Mount Kelly Choral Society was founded in 1976...
...by the Reverend Anthony Curry, Director of Music at Tavistock's Kelly College. His ambition was to establish in Tavistock a mixed choir that could perform major choral works for pleasure.
The choir is now approximately 70 strong and in performances is accompanied by orchestra, organ or piano as the pieces demand. Solo parts are usually performed by professionals. You can find more information about us on the History page.
Our Musical Director is Dan Robson. The Society performs two or three concerts per year. The two major ones, generally accompanied by orchestra, are usually held in Tavistock's Parish Church of St. Eustachius, in early December and before Easter.
Rehearsals for these concerts begin in early September and January respectively. The third concert is usually performed in late May or June, with a shorter rehearsal period starting after Easter. The Society then ceases singing during the summer.