Welcome to the MKCS Website
Our next concert - Carmina Burana
Mount Kelly Choral Society invite you to join them on Saturday 3rd May for a performance of Carl Orff's dramatic and powerful masterpiece, Carmina Burana. Composed in 1935, it is based on a collection of secular medieval poetry, and features Soprano, Tenor and Baritone soloists alongside the choir, two pianos and six percussionists! The concert will take place in St Eustachius' Parish Church, Tavistock.
It is sure to be a hugely enjoyable occasion for audience and choir alike. If you would like to join us to sing this exciting work, we rehearse weekly on a Thursday evening at 7.30, up at Mount Kelly School. For more information, please contact quel1@aol.com
If after watching us sing you would like to join us, we rehearse
weekly on a Thursday evening at 7.30, at Mount Kelly School.
more information, please contact Chris Caple at quel1@aol.com

We are a mixed choir always welcoming new members. We sing a wide variety of choral works and perform two or three concerts a year. Although aspiring to high standards, anyone who wishes to develop their singing abilities is welcome. Auditions are usually only required if the section for the voice concerned is oversubscribed. The choir is very friendly, reasonably serious but NOT SOLEMN!
You can attend up to six rehearsals on a trial basis, without obligation.
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 in the Big Hall at Mount Kelly College.
Annual subscriptions are £70 full subscription. Membership is free to under 18s.
For more information contact either Membership Secretary Chris Caple - quel1@aol.com or Chairman Robin Venables – rjv@sigmanova.co.uk
After hearing us sing, you may well be thinking of thinking of joining us - Read more on our Join Us page!
Spring 2025 Rehearsals start Thurs. January 9, 2025